Start walking in your shoes

it's not so obvious if you're a creative person

Since I was a kid, I’ve always been drawn to new and exciting things. Picking something that lit me up was never the issue. In high school, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, a physicist, or maybe a philosopher. But being a creative? That one always pulled the hardest.

I could picture myself doing so many things—photography, design, film, researching how things work, illustrating, and more. The options felt endless. And now, with all the information and inspiration online, it’s even harder to focus. You see people succeeding in so many areas, and if you’re a people-pleaser like I was, that validation from others can make it even worse.

It’s easy to get stuck. Overwhelmed. Lost.

Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re living someone else’s dream. We take on the expectations of parents, friends, or people we admire. We see what others are achieving, and suddenly, we’re trying to fit into a mold that isn’t ours. But chasing someone else’s dreams won’t make you happy—it’ll burn you out.

If you’re:

  • comparing your progress to others

  • feeling like your goals are never “enough”

  • doubting yourself because you’re aiming for someone else’s version of success

  • drained or uninspired

  • stuck because you’re worried about what others think

Ask yourself: Whose dream am I chasing?

It’s okay to admire someone but don’t let their life define yours. The people you look up to might be making sacrifices you wouldn’t want to. I’ve skipped plenty of Friday nights out so I could focus on building my path. That was my choice because it felt right for me, but it might not be yours—and that’s okay. You’ve got to act on what matters to you, not what looks good from the outside.

When you focus on your path, everything changes. You stop chasing validation and start building a life that feels good, not just looks good. You take your power back.

If you want:

  • clearer direction that aligns with your values

  • more confidence in your decisions

  • a deeper connection to your work and goals

  • freedom from comparison and outside validation

Your journey is yours for a reason. It doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s, and that’s what makes it powerful.


Photo: Walk of Life

By: Gilad Benari


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